Monday 30 May 2016

Are we obsessed with sex?

Sex. It’s everywhere these days. You can’t watch TV without Nicole Scherzinger gracing our screens and moaning (embarrassingly) to orgasmic inducing yogurts. (Can a yoghurt actually be that great, Scherzy?)

Even cars are made to look sexy. Just check out the advert for the Citroën DS3 Cabrio. A car cannot strip. And if a car could strip then this particular one cannot strip sexy. I get that sex sells, but why does it seem like most people (myself included) are being pulled into this sexual allure?

It seems like it’s such a big deal to know everyone’s personal business these days. What does it matter if you’re a virgin? Who cares if you’ve hit double (or triple) figures with the amount of sexual partners you’ve had? So what if you just want to have some fun? As long as you’re being safe and you’re happy then it shouldn’t be a problem…

But it is. Let’s face it; we’re a sexualised society. But do we really need to sensationalize sexual behaviour in order to promote a car or sell a pair of jeans? This might just be me sounding old but what impact does this have on the younger generation? Most little girls (and some little boys too) want to dress glamorous and act like a grown up. Their mould-able minds are at such a sensitive stage. We should be sheltering this not exposing them to the world of sexy.

We’re all intelligent enough to realize that the media is a very influential tool. But what we often neglect to understand is that it’s an even more powerful tool to children.
Ok, maybe I’m just being hypersensitive here but when did we let it become acceptable for twelve year old girls to wear make-up and fake tan? 

This isn’t just secluded to western ideologies of beauty and sex either. In Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, girls as young as nine are being forced to marry and to start a family. This issue is obviously more serious than blocking that perv on tinder who has asked you what your favourite position is. What I’m getting at here no matter what country you live in sex is a global issue.

Whether we can help it or not it seems like we all have an infatuation with sex.

Yipee we can reproduce and (in most circumstances) enjoy it at the same time. Aren’t we a clever race?